Tata logo comes in an image that looks like a capital letter “T” with its company name “Tata” at the bottom part. Tata logo is colure with blue.

Founded: 1945 Mumbai, India
Products: Automobiles, Sport Cars, Commercial vehicles,
Coaches, Buses, Construction equipment,Military vehicles, parts.
Parent: Tata Group

Tata known as the greatest commercial vehicle manufacturer in the Southern part of Asia, Tata Motors has proven its worth to the Asian people. It excels in the field commercial vehicles, and it is included in the top three producers of passenger vehicles, and it is known the second largest produces or buses. It has also its own manufacturing and assembly plants, which are based in Jamshedpur, Pantnagar, Lucknow, Sanand, Dharwad and Pue in the country of India. They have also sites in Argentina, South Africa, Thailand and the United Kingdom.
Like other car logos, Tata logo was also made with intense planning and designing. Tata logo comes in an image that looks like a capital letter “T” with its company name “Tata” at the bottom part. Tata logo is colure with blue.
Like other car manufacturing companies, Tata motors also thought of having their own company logo. Most of the people think that car logos are just part of car accessories who adds to its beauty but it more than that. Car logos play an important in every car company because they serve as a visual representation of every car company.
Today, Tata Motors Company is still excelling in the field of car manufacturing. In fact, it had won the “India’s Most valuable Brand” which is a survey held by Brand Finance and the Economic Times.